Aggregater Linklog

Selection of articles from sources that are (currently) not automatically aggregated. Updated irregularly when there is something interesting to read.

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  • Dispelling the Eventual Consistency FUD when using Event Sourcing - We in the CQRS/ES space are equally guilty of not countering the FUD with enough examples and literature that gives relevant data points for folks wanting to adopt these patterns. What if I told you that your systems built with CQRS/ES are as transactionally consistent as systems that are built without these patterns using the more formal methods of storage! [Axon Framework and related blogs]
    Added on: Thu, 22 Jul 2021 06:59:44 GMT
  • CQRS replay performance tuning - Command Query Responsibility Separation (CQRS) has become a popular pattern to avoid complex, and therefore slow, database queries in applications. With CQRS, queries are served from dedicated read models that are optimized for the query’s specific needs. This ensures that queries are as simple as possible, and therefore as fast as possible. The read models need to be initialized and kept up to date with the primary storage (the command side). This is done most easily if the primary storage is event-based: the Event Sourcing (ES) concept. Axon offers a mature and popular implementation of the CQRS/ES concepts on the JVM, but several other implementations exist. [Axon Framework and related blogs]
    Added on: Thu, 22 Jul 2021 06:56:20 GMT