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Week 17, year 2018

  • DDD Weekly: Issue #54 - Experimentation Using Event-based Systems [video] Martin Fowler, Toby Clemson. Events provide measurability and intent. Events should be encapsulated and first class. Kafka handles complexity and provides flexibility. Use domain-driven design to architect your cloud apps [blog] Xavier Bruhiere. We were very successful at implementing bits an pieces, here and there, of DDD and event sourcing, where we needed to meet strong requirements for data quality and load. Of course, it wasn’t easy—we had to educate the team on the new projects and justify the additional time spent on experimentations and failures. [DDD Weekly]
  • Design Heuristics - Video for my DDD eXchange 2018 keynote in London Abstract Software design principles aspire to be universal. And yet, when you create software, you sometimes intentionally violate principles. You might not be able to explain why this “wrong” design somehow “feels” better. You’re applying your own, unspoken design heuristics. Bringing them out in the open, improves design discussions, and helps you build a larger toolkit for making better tradeoffs. In this session, Mathias will explore the benefits of distilling your design heuristics using practical examples. [Mathias Verraes]
Permalink | From 23 April 2018 to 29 April 2018 | Last updated on: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 09:18:52 GMT